Monday, December 3, 2012

Orders Arrived...

Well, my wife had drill this past weekend. While at drill, her and another recruit had some running around to do. One of those errands that was ran, happened to take her to the office where orders are sent. While she was there, she happened to ask about her orders, sure enough they were there, so she was able to get a couple of copies.

She will be doing her out processing mid February and heading to BMT. Her return date is in late July after she completes Tech school. One of the bad things is, we thought she was going to be able to come home during the two week break between BMT and Tech, but the AF said different. One thing I learned while I was in and when I was a military dependent, is nothing is set in stone, until the AF puts it down in paper. Just have to be willing to roll with the punches.

Once my wife told me that she has her orders, several things went through my mind. I was extremely happy for her that she is living her dream. I was sad, in the fact that she won't get to come home between BMT and Tech, and I was stressed. Stressed in the fact that we have a date now, and several things to get lined up before she heads to basic an she is gone for a 6 month time period.

Now is also the time to spend as much time together as possible. Luckily, we will be going down to see her graduate, and the girls and I, will get to see her for at least 4 days in between BMT and Tech school. I'm sure that there will be a slough of emotions that will be gone through over the period that she is gone, but in military fashion, we as a family will push through them, and will be stronger and closer than we have ever been.

Monday, November 5, 2012

Drill #2...

Well, my wife had her 2nd drill this past weekend. She seemed a bit more comfortable this weekend though.

She had more of the same as the first drill. She finally completed all her inprocessing, PT, marching.

It was a pretty tough weekend on our side of things. The girls and I went down to her sisters and dads house, since it was opening weekend of deer season for youth. While my oldest and I had deer hunting to distract us, I still missed my wife being down there with us. I have to give a big thanks though to my sister-in-law and father-in-law for watching the youngest two, that way I could take my oldest deer hunting. This was a huge help, to try and get my oldest her first deer.

Talked with my wife a good bit at night, and while she had time at lunch. My wife got a little perturbed at the ones that were late and couldn't dress right for duty. Of course, she and everyone had to pay for it, because they are one team.

We've fallen off a little bit on our workout regiment but will be getting back on that this week. She has just about 3 months before she ships out to BMT, so we will be pushing hard until then.

Again sweetie, we are all extremely proud of you. Keep your eye on the goal you set for yourself and nothing can stop you. We're here to support you in any way we can. The girls are already looking forward to watching you walk the bomb run at graduation.

Friday, October 26, 2012

Coming Together...

Not much new has been going on as far as my wife going to drill or anything dealing with the military. I wanted to write today about one of the side effects of my wife having joined the military.

As in all marriages, you go through a rough spot sooner or later. Well, our marriage was no different. Over the last few years we were in a rough time and in a lull per say. Over the last 6 months or so things started to change. Mainly, because we were trying to work towards my wife's goal of wanting to join the AF. Well, the day she swore in, it was like a light switch. We had gotten past our rough spot and are doing better than we have in the last 11 years we have been together.

On the day she swore in, we instantly, had a commonality, in the sense that I knew exactly how she felt at that moment of swearing in to the AF. Another big reason was, everyone had their own opinion about her joining. From ecstatic and joyous about her joining, to not agreeing but being respectful of her decision, to the downright disrespectful towards her for having made that decision...even to the point of blaming me for "making" her do it (read first post on blog to know how it began).

All of this that was happening, brought me and my wife extremely close together. Since she had enlisted, of course there is no turning back when Uncle Sam is involved. Of course, since all this was happening, it upset me, because I hated seeing my wife upset and in tears caused by malicious words of disrespect. We found ourselves planning head on the obstacles we were going to have to face at one time or another in this adventure together, as husband and wife. In doing this, and me giving all the support that could be poured out of me, it has made a very tight bond. A bond that will see us through this adventure and any adventure or mishap along the way.

It has also brought me and my daughters closer as well. In preparing for my wife to go to BMT and Tech, I have been trying to take care of everything the girls might ask. Little do they know, that I am trying to prepare them and myself for the day my wife gets on that plane and flies towards BMT, to get trained in the military lifestyle, so she can serve this great country of ours, and yes so she can defend our freedoms!

I can't say enough how very proud I am of her for her decision to answer the call! I try to tell her several times a day how proud I am. Baby, I am very proud of what you are doing, and love you very much. Just remember, while you are in BMT, you have the full support of me and your three daughters cheering you on as you pursue your dream of serving our great and majestic country.

All in all, it has made us very strong in the last several weeks and bond that will not be broken!!!

* if any spouses are reading this that are in the same boat, please support your spouse, it may be all the support she/he has, and may be exactly what they need to pull them through the initial days of being away at training.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

The Small Stuff...

It's been a little slow around the house as of late. Mainly just trying to get dates written down and making a list of items that need to be taken care of prior to my wife's departure.

One of the big items is insurance, and in the military it's TriCare. With my wife in the Guard, she's eligible for TriCare Select, which is still extremely more substantial for a lesser price than what she is paying now at work. The big questions come into play of, once she goes to BMT and Tech how fast does it switch over to TriCare Prime and what does that cost (still less than current), and what all does it cover. We have started to make a list of all these questions for my wife to ask her Family Readiness Officer at her next drill. It's the fine things that will jump up and bite you when you least expect it or need.

Some of the other items that we are having to go ahead and contemplate is school registration (middle daughter will start K next fall but will have to be registered while my wife is in training), making sure of all my oldest daughters Girl Scout activities and when wellness checkups will need to be scheduled, and then the important schedule, when will I be able to go visit my wife while she is away at Tech school. Looks like it'll be at least a month before I will be able to do that, and that is strictly due to the new phase program they have while in Tech School (they didn't have this while I was in Tech School).

The girls are still excited and proud of mommy. I think we are going to make of of those ring things, like the ones made at Christmas time, to count down the days until my wife graduates BMT and Tech School. I figure this would be a good way for the girls to count how many days it'll be until they get to see mommy. We're getting accustomed to me taking care of the nightly stuff, that way the girls will be adjusted by the time Ship date gets here. I'm sure the time will pass by quickly, but we will still miss mommy and I will still miss my wife. Important thing is that we are all very proud of her and what she is doing.

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Date Has Been Set...

Well, my wife stayed home with me today after a procedure I had at the VA yesterday to take care of me and also because she had some paperwork to take care of at Little Rock AFB.

I won't go into what paperwork she was taking care of over an open website blog, but the appointment was to take up to several hours. Today, since she had everything in line, she was able to get done a little early, so she decided to head over to the eduction building to see if she could get a ship date for BMT. She had called and told me she was going to do this.

I told her that while I wanted to know when her ship date was, I also didn't want to know. For some reason, I'm a little nervous, even though, I know everyone will survive and she will do great. She called me after she left the Education office and she told me her ship date is...13 Feb 12, with an estimated graduation date of 12 Apr 13. The good thing is she'll get to come home for a couple weeks prior her to shipping to Tech School in Wichita Falls, Texas.

This will be a huge time for us since I will get to see my wife for a couple weeks an the girls and her will get a couple weeks of catchup time. Then she will have to ship out again for three months, then she will be back for good...or at least until her next TDY.

So, I guess over the next 4 months or so, we will be going over final preparations for her departure to BMT. I know it's going to be a fairly busy time and that time will go by too quickly for my liking, but I also know, that we will all survive in true military fashion. There's no I can't or we won't, only I cans and we will make it. We, as military dependents, don't have a choice in the matter except to make the best of our time and to keep things going while our loved ones are away.

Sunday, October 14, 2012

First Drill: Day 2

Well today was a little more of the same as yesterday. Stephanie was the first one to arrive for formation, I wouldn't let her leave late anyway. We have a tendency in our house to make sure we are at least 15-30 minutes early for everything. This is one of the side effects of having grown up in a military household, along with having been military myself.

I woke up again this morning at 0400 to see Stephanie off for her drill, I assume this will be a common practice in our house until she is no longer in years and years down the road. I'm just so proud of her, that I want to make sure she knows as she is walking out the door to go to drill to serve this country of ours.

After I saw Stephanie off this morning I sat up and waited for the girls to get up so I could cook them breakfast. After a great breakfast, I decided to surprise Steph by cleaning the kitchen and folding some laundry. The girls and I also had a pretty relaxed day as well and we watched a couple movies together through the day.

While Stephanie is on her way home, I like to talk to her about her day. Today, first thing she did was go get her first issue of her military ID then she learned to march military style. She said they pretty much marched all day. Ah, I remember those days... She also took a test over ranks and insignias, which she said she did fine for enlisted, but not so good on the officer side of to surprise her, I immediately made rank flash cards for her to help her with this. Then she went on to PT. She said she did pretty good in her run. She was the first female to cross the line and the second overall. Also, the trainer for the training flight had and inspection this morning of the troops, and Stephanie was told that everything was great and that her hair looked great and perfectly within reg.

Once Stephanie made it home, she was pretty happy to see a super clean kitchen and folded clothes. I figure its the least I could do to help since she was on drill.

All in all, it was a great first weekend of drill for Stephanie and me at home taking care of the girls. I had some withdrawals from not having my wife around and not being able to see her or talk to her, but that is some of my own demons I will have to work on.

Next step, is to just continue to help Stephanie with her push-ups, sit-ups and continue to push her to run and help her with her form while running.

Saturday, October 13, 2012

First Drill...

Well, my wife had her first drill today. From the debriefing I received a majority of the day was mainly filled with in-processing with interruptions from new recruits getting everyone else in trouble for falling asleep during briefings.

She said the day was filled with push-ups and flutter kicks, but all in all a decent day, I think so might be a little wore out though.

On my side of things at the house though it was a different story. The morning started out nice and early, since I wanted to see my wife off to her first day pulling drill. We woke up bright and early this morning at 0400 to get our days going. After the girls finally woke up, I cooked them a nice hardy breakfast of scrambled eggs, biscuits and bacon.

After breakfast, I figured I would sit the girls down and have a talk with them. I discussed what mommy was doing an how important it was and that they should be extremely proud of what she is doing...which they were. We decided to give wife/mommy a surprise once she got home, so we decided to clean the living room up and clean their bedrooms up nice and clean. While the girls were working on their bedrooms, I decided to tackle the kitchen and also get stuff ready to make chex mix with the girls in the afternoon.

Now, it was a pretty relaxed day, but I on the other hand was a nervous wreck. Nervous because I wanted my wife to do well and not get discouraged by anything that might happen on her first day, I know how the military can be at times. Plus, I just wanted my wife to do good. Well, I figured that the cell phones would have to be put up while they were training (we didn't have to worry about that in 1995 when I was in), but I figured I would at least get a text or quick call during chow time, but received none. So needless to say, I was extremely happy to receive a phone call finally after she finished the day.

Once she made it home, the girls surprised mommy with cards that they had made saying how proud they were of her and saying that she did a good job. All in all, it was a good day, with the only anxiety coming on my part. LOL. Oh well, guess I better get used to her not being able to call much over the 6 month period she will be in BMT and Tech School.

We will survive though, like al military families do and in military fashion...we will just roll with the punches.

Friday, October 12, 2012

A Milestone...

Well, tomorrow, 13 Oct 12, Stephanie will go to her first drill. Since she has not gone to BMT yet, she is in a training flight. Here she will learn stuff that she will learn in BMT prior to going, like how to fold clothes in her clothing drawer, how to march, how to salute, etc... Plus she will get to do a PT (physical training).

I have talked to her and even though she is excited, she is still a little nervous as to what to expect. I tried to reiterate that she will be just fine, and to just try to soak in as much as possible and to learn as much as possible, as it will come in handy once she ships off to BMT. I personally wish that they would have had one I these for me when I joined, but when I went in, it was swear in one day, ship off the next.

I know in the bottom of my heart, that she will do great, and enjoy herself once the final butterflies have disappeared. :). It's just a matter of saying your Sirs and Ma'am's. She will probably be tossing and turning tonight in anticipation of tomorrow's fun and anticipation of the unknown. I'm looking forward to getting a debriefing tomorrow evening of what she did throughout the day and what she thought of it. I'm going to try my best, once they show her how to fold her clothes, to fold out clothes in the same way. I figure if she gets three months of practice with it, it should come like second nature to her. This could help when she goes off to BMT within the barter system with fellow bunk mates. If anyone has been through BMT, you know how handy this can be. While I was in BMT, I was great at shining boots. So in exchange for shining boots, fellow flight members would do one of my duties that thy excelled at. This is a great trait to have. Enough about me though.

If anyone out there is a praying person, please keep Steph in your prayers, that God will give her peace of mind and to calm to nerves down.

The girls an I are extremely proud of you! Keep up the hard work that you have done to get you to this point! We know that you will do extremely well! Don't worry about the girls this weekend, I have some fun and surprises in store for the weekend. Just do us proud and do your best this weekend. It's time to pour your heart and soul into this country by serving her in the greatest military that this world has and will ever see!

Thursday, October 11, 2012


Little late in posting this but I guess it's better late than never.

Last week when my wife set her baseline as far as physical requirements to grad basic she had: 14:57 in a 1.5 mile run (14:27 required to grad), 25 push-ups in 1 minute (27 required to grad) and 25 sit-ups in 1 minute (50 required to grad).

Well this weeks results are in: she did .5 mile run (cold weather was hurting her breathing) in 4:31, which is a 13:30 pace for 1.5 miles (this is a good thing). She did 30 push-ups in 1 minute and 32 sit-ups in 1 minute. As you can see she has made pretty good progression just in one week of working out. She is already at the mark in running and push-ups that will be required to grad. We are still working out together and have an estimated 13 weeks still to improve and progress. She is well on her way to her goal that she wants to achieve while in BMT. She has her first drill this weekend, so she should get a great little workout while on drill. Looking forward to see how her first couple of days are in the military.

I just want to say that I am very proud of her and the progress she has made in just one weeks time.


Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Getting the Girls Adjusted...

Well over the last week or so, not only have we been trying to get everything lined up and organized, we have also been trying to get the girls adjusted for mommy being gone for 6 months.

I have three daughters, 7 (soon to be 8), 4 (soon to be 5), and a 3 year old. While my oldest has gotten out of the mommy needs to do everything and is more of a daddy's girl, the other two still want mommy to do everything.

Here the last couple weeks, when they have asked for mommy to do something, I have told my wife just to stay put and let me take care of it. Even though the girls still want mommy to do it, I explain to them again that mommy will be going to get military training here soon and that she will be gone for around 6 months, assuming and expecting everything to go through without a hitch. I still let Stephanie take care of a few things so she can spend time with the girls before going, a majority of it, I try and take care of.

In the last couple of weeks, I have been able to really tell, that Ryanne, my middle daughter, understands what is getting ready to happen here in a few months, and has really stepped up her listening and paying attention. Like I said in a previous post, all family members in a military family, have to step up and do their job in order for everything to be successful.

I honestly believe, that this experience will bring us all closer together and stronger than ever. I know that in the short couple of weeks since my wife enlisted, it has brought me and her closer together and a stronger relationship. Another reason I know that this will make us stronger is because of a rough patch we had to go through the day she enlisted. While my family is full to the gills, with veterans that have served this country since the summer of 1776, her family was not quite as accepting of the enlistment. I believe most of this is caused by just a plain and simple fear and misunderstanding of not knowing, except for what they hear in the news. I pray that through the years, they will begin to understand and become more accepting of the calling that my wife has answered to serve this great country of ours. IT'S NOT JUST A JOB, ITS A CALLING!

I am extremely proud of Stephanie, to the point that just the thought of her enlisting, makes me tear up with pride and honor. I know she will do great in the AF for many years down the road.

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Getting Ready Part 2...

Well today was an interesting day. As we made preparations for Stephanie to head off to BMT, we had a busy day.

Now, when I normally go to the store its to pick up one or two items. The only other time that I ever went grocery shopping was when I used to do it for myself while I was in the AF and was only shopping for myself. Well, I can see now, its going to be a little different. It will definitely take some planning and snipping of coupons in order to receive the best and cheapest deals. I'm sure though, I will do most of the grocery shopping at the commissary on the AFB.

We have set some goals to being ready for ship out date. Today we started planning some small projects in order to have everything organized a bit better in order for the girls to be able to help out around the house. Some shelves will be going up in the pantry, in order to stock up on stuff prior to Stephanie leaving of items that the girls enjoy. Along with shelves going up, we will be making a checklist of items that need to be done daily, to ensure the house stays in order for Stephanie, that way when she gets back home, we all will be able to just spend time with her instead of having to worry about cleaning the house and what not.

I know in the beginning, it'll be a little hectic, but once a routine is established, then things should go's just a matter of finding that routine...this is where prayer will come in handy.

Friday, October 5, 2012

Getting Ready...

This will be a constant thread throughout here for the next several months as Stephanie prepares to get ready for BMT (Basic Military Training).

Stephanie told me that she had a specific goal that she wants to accomplish while she is in BMT. There are three levels in the AF that a recruit can graduate as concerning physical accomplishment while in BMT. You have your bare minimum required to graduate, then the next level is Thunderbolt which is Honor Grad level accomplishment, then there is Warhawk which is the cream of the crop as far as physical standards are while in BMT. Guess what she picked...yep Warhawk. I told her if that's what she wants, then by george, I'm going to try and help her reach that goal.

01 Oct 12 we started a workout regiment together to help her reach her goal. The requirement to just graduate BMT is a 1.5 mile run in 14:27, 27 push-ups in 1 minute, 50 sit-ups in 1 minute and 0 pull-ups. The first thing I did was test her where she is at with all the requirements, and we are using this as a baseline. Glad to say that she was only 30 seconds off the run and only 2 off the push-up requirements. We have a little work to do in the sit-ups.

Instead of just trying to motivate her from the sidelines, I am doing the exercises with her except for the sit-ups and run. Since my knees and back are bad, I use a pull-up bar and pull my knees up to do my style of sit-up. The run, I can't help with though. I just have to motivate her from the sideline.

Every Monday, she will be testing again with where she is at, and she will be able to see the improvements that way. We have 14 weeks until the beginning of the year which is when she is estimated to ship to BMT. I will keep this posted every week with her results from each test for everyone to follow in her progression.

On the other side of getting ready here back at home, we are having to get finances lined up, making sure we get items she will need in BMT to make it a little easier, and also trying to get the girls acclimated with daddy taking care of everything. From dinner, picking out clothes, laundry all that good stuff that we will have to pick up and do around the house. I spoke with Skylar and she knows that she will have to step up and be the big sister and help me with Kaylee, my youngest one.

As I learned being a son of a dad that was in the AF, everyone has to pull together and do their part while the military spouse is away on training or deployment. It's part of being a military dependent. Most folks don't realize, but when one parent is in the military, the whole family is in the military. Not only is it hard on the military member, but it is hard on the family as well.

Hard for the military member in the sense that, while they are away getting trained or deployed defending our freedoms, they are thinking of us back at home but yet they have to continue to do their duty. Hard in the family, because our loved one is away serving defending our freedoms or being trained to do so, we still have daily lives to continue. As a military family, you push through these hard times in true military fashion and you. Come out stronger in the end for it. Much like we will as a whole come out stronger, after being separated from a wife/mom for 6 months while she is away being trained to help defend this great nation of ours. It will be hard to see and realize in the beginning, but in the end we will have all survived and realize it was worth it.

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Enlistment Day

My wife enlisted on 27 Sep 12. This had been a dream since she was in high school and the day had finally arrived. It was a very proud moment for me and the girls.

Of course in military fashion, it was a morning of hurry and wait. She will soon see exactly what I am talking about once she gets to BMT and Tech. 😃

You could tell she was a nervous wreck and had the butterflies a dancing in her stomach. As anyone knows that has enlisted, it is very exciting and nerve racking before you swear in to the Armed Forces, but after you swear in you are completely filled with excitement and pride. I know it was that way for me. After she swore in, she started all her in-processing for her new squadron since she won't be leaving for BMT for a few more months. She will be starting her first drill here in a little over a week.

Once my wife made it home from running around Little Rock AFB, we sat the girls down and told them what mommy had done. All three girls were very excited and proud.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

The Beginning...

Well, this is my first blog ever so I will try and keep up with it the best I can.

About a year and half ago my wife, Stephanie, came to me and said she had something to ask me. After laying the kids down for bed, she came to me and said she had something important she wanted to ask me. She said that when she was in high school, she had wanted to join the Air Force (AF). She wanted to know if I thought it was ok for her to join now, into an elite crowd of folks that served this great country of ours. I left the choice up to her. I'm a disabled veteran myself of the AF and also the proud son of a father who served 20+ years in the AF. A week or so after the initial discussion, she came to me and told me she was going to do it. I told her, that if that was her decision and it was going to make her happy, then follow your dreams and that I would support her in her decision.

Fast forward to today 03 Oct 12... My wife over the last year and half, has worked very hard to get in shape and lose enough weight to join the AF. On 27 Sep 12 she swore into the AF Air National Guard, and swore to defend this country against all enemies foreign and domestic. It was a very proud day for me. First as a veteran, to see that my wife wanted to serve her country. Second, she was setting a great example for our three daughters.

I will keep this blog updated as we go through her continuing to get ready to ship off to Basic and Tech school as we prepare for this journey together as a family. Her to prepare for the mental and physical test she will go through and for me to ensure the house runs as good as she did and have as little interruption in our daughters lives as possible. They too are very proud of mommy and what she is doing.

I am very proud in her decision to join! It's makes me smile ear to ear knowing that my wife had chosen to serve and defend this country, so we could continue to be the land of the free because she was brave enough to answer the call!

Aim High Air Force!
AF 1995-1999