Well, yesterday was a bit of a rough day for me mentally.
On Facebook, I've liked a couple of pages....USAF Basic Military Training and AF Wing Moms. Each page, gives tips and keeps you updated as to what's going on.
Well, I got to reading some of the posts, and a flood of emotions came over me. For those that know me, I'm not really all that emotional of a guy, so this is kind of new territory for me. I believe, in my mind, that the reason this is so emotional, is because I'm going to miss my wife...plain and simple.
I've been on the leaving side when I myself left for Basic Training. I've been on the dependent side of things, when my father had to go TDY or called out to the base on alert. This however, is something new. I'm not used to being, the dependent spouse. As a spouse, you're used to being able to bounce ideas off of, in concerns of the family. You're used to sharing duties around the house. Well, in a military family, the spouse, has to be as strong as the military member. The biggest difference I see between a single parent and a military spouse is, as a single parent, you know the other one is gone, and most likely not coming back. As a military spouse, you have the highs of the spouse coming home and getting to spend time at home, but also the lows and fears, of never knowing when your spouse may get called away in duty, or even where they may be going, depending on the current situation.
Yesterday, I had a rough day. My wife that has slept next to me for 9+ years now, will not be able to sleep next to me, for 6+ months. I know this seems little when compared to some assignments some spouses get, but this is long enough for me. It made me emotional to, because I'm used to laying down with my wife every night, and used to waking up in the morning with her next to me. Add the reading of the pages, plus the girls asking questions, and it just made for a rough day yesterday.
Sweetie, all I can say, is I will do my best at home, and make sure you concentrate and knock out BMT and Tech an soon as possible and get back home. I know you will do great, and just remember that we are very proud of you and what you are doing. Get'er done, and get back home safely! Love you. The girls and I will be back home cheering you on from home.
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